Category: Unreal Engine 4

For the last three weeks I have been working on an application for the GearVR Mobile VR Jam, titled Circumpaint.  This app allows you to draw and animated in 360 degrees on the surface on a dome, with you at its center.

Circumpaint UE4 Level

May 4 was the Milestone 3 deadline, which required a video to demonstrate your work:

Another week to go until the Jam is complete and the app will be made available for everyone with a GearVR to try out.  Polish, polish, polish!  More screenshots from previous Milestones are available on the Jam’s hosting site, ChallengePost:



Epic recently updated their UE4 SteamVR plug-in code and made these changes public.  While it is not possible to use these changes just yet, they provide an interesting view into what to expect from the HTC Vive.  I went through the source code and picked out some interesting items, and posted my results on reddit here: